Outlier Micro Frontend
Web application for the localized schedule for the Outlier Conference. Full-stack NextJS application with a Postgres database. The application uses a micro-frontend architecture to allow for independent development and deployment of each section of the application.
Outlier Conf App
App for the full lineup of speakers for the Outlier Conf, Feb 4-5th 2022
Hive Connector App
App for connecting via BLE to Vatorex products
Hive Manager App
App for helping beekeepers manage and track their bees
Life of Plastic
Data Visualization looking at plastic recycling
nata-ko Website
Promotional website for local filmmaker
Interactive Things NCY
Data Visualization comparing New York City and Zurich
Taking envir. data and ML to create house plant recommendations
Open Hardware Project based on the mimirHome sensor
Coming Soon Visualisation
Data Visualization breaking down Vietnamese Dishes
mimirHome Visualizations
Visualizing the environmental data from mimir
Spanish Food Forest
Garden designed to be a self sufficent and abundant ecosystem in Spain