Sustainability Discourse Map
Sustainability Discourse Map
The Sustainability Discourse Map is a data visualization of critical aspects of the current and past discourse around urban sustainability in Zürich. The map is based on a dataset of 1,000 articles from the Tages Anzeiger newspaper, and it is designed to help researchers, policymakers, and the public understand the evolution of the discourse around sustainability in Zürich.
The map was built using Next.js, D3.js, and React. The data was processed and
provided through a REST API, that was consumed by the frontend application.
Using D3.js, the data points were grouped and simulated into a force-directed
graph, which was then rendered in the browser. The user can interact with the
graph by panning and filtering the data points. The user can also
select a data point to view the article's content and metadata.
- Mark Kunzmann - Project Manager
- Michela Burzio - Designer
- Lloyd Richards - Developer